September 30, 2008


Θα παρατηρήσατε (ίσως) πως έχω ξεκινήσει ένα φρεσκαρισματάκι στην εμφάνιση της σελίδας, ξεκινώντας από την κεφαλίδα (header - μετάφραση?) της και τη λαοφιλέστατη δημοσκόπηση, της οποίας τα αποτελέσματα έχουν προωθηθεί σε 2 ανεξάρτητες εταιρίες (VCPR, Moutron Analysis) και τα οποία θα μοιραστώ μαζί σας μετά τη σχετική ανάλυση. Τις επόμενες μέρες, +ΙΜΤ+ θέλοντος & καιρού (χρόνου δηλαδή, όχι καιρού με την έννοια των επικρατουσών κλιματικών συνθηκών - but I digress) επιτρέποντος θα πέσουν και άλλες αλλαγές. Ευχηθείτε μου καλή δύναμη καθώς βουτάω με το κεφάλι στα μυστήρια του κώδικα HTML του template...

Μέχρι τότε,
we apologize for the inconvenience

September 28, 2008

When Analytical Chemistry met British Humor... awesome PR stunt was born. Who could believe TLC could get so absurd?


September 26, 2008


Why buggered?

Διότι από χτες το βράδυ έχω κάνει με το αυτοκίνητο τα εξής δρομολόγια:

Ν. Ερυθραία-Βαρυμπόπη-Γλυφάδα-Ν. Ερυθραία-Γλυφάδα-Ν. Ερυθραία-Βαρυμπόπη-Ν. Ερυθραία

που αντιστοιχούν σε περίπου 180 χλμ. αστικής & περιαστικής διαδρομής σε 12 ώρες, υπό καταρρακτώδη βροχή (χτες) και ήλιο, ζεστη & 95% υγρασία (σήμερα).

Μα τον Αγ. Χριστόφορο (μεγάλη -με το συμπάθειο- η χάρη του) δε θα ξαναπιάσω τιμόνι για αρκετές μέρες ακόμα.

Θα σκίσω το δίπλωμα μου (μόλις τελείωσω με τη βρώση του καπέλου μου). Πρέπει να ξαναπάω μία ακόμα το σιρκουϊ Ν. Ερυθραία-Βαρυμπόπη-και πίσω (χλμ. 15)!!!

September 24, 2008

Avast, ye scurvy mateys

Που κρυβόταν αυτό το διαμάντι τόσο καιρό και δεν το είχα βρει?

(Ή, για να θέσω πιο σωστά την ερώτηση, πόσο πολύ μπορεί να βαριέμαι για να χαζέψω τη λίστα με τις γλώσσες του fakebook, for fuck's sake???)

September 22, 2008


...or how Hamlet would look like today.

[I don't remember where I dug this up, so no attribution today]

September 21, 2008

Compilation: God save the Queen!

I made this as a gift for a friend of mine who goes to London for studies:

01 Queen - Bohemian rhapsody
02 The Beatles - Come together
03 David Bowie - Space oddity
04 Pink Floyd - Wish you were here
05 James - Sometimes (Lester Piggott)
06 Rolling Stones - She's a rainbow
07 The Smiths - Bigmouth strikes again
08 Troggs - Wild thing
09 Morrissey - Everyday is like Sunday
10 James - Getting away with it (all messed up)
11 Placebo & David Bowie - Without you I'm nothing
12 New Order - Regret
13 Morrissey - First of the gang to die
14 Levellers - Make you happy
15 Pulp - Common people
16 James - Laid
17 Belle and Sebastian - Another sunny day
18 Oasis - Don't look back in anger
19 British Sea Power - Please stand up
20 Cranberries - Zombie
21 Franz Ferdinand - Walk away
22 Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I love you less & less
23 Oasis - Wonderwall
24 Stereophonics - Dakota
25 U2 - Beautiful day
26 Pulp - Razzmatazz
27 Fiona Apple - Across the universe
28 Dido - White flag
29 Kooks - She moves in her own way
30 Goldfrapp - Caravan girl
31 Coldplay - Viva la vida
32 Monty Python's Flying Circus - Always look on the bright side of life
33 The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts club band (reprise)

Any remarks, suggestions, omissions et c.?

I'd love to share it with you, say in RS or something, but it's laaarge (200MBytes) which, with my connection, means several hours of uploading. Plus, it's a personal gift, OK? So bugger off!

September 16, 2008


Δε μπορώ να το βγάλω από το μυαλό μου!

Δε μπορώ δε μπορώ δε μπορώ...

θέλω να χορέψω...


September 11, 2008

LHC || The next day (literally)

Inspired -in my usual thieving adaptive way- by Phil Plait (of Bad Astronomy fame), I celebrated the non-end of the world with the following:

Of course I had to see it every time I'd be in front of my PC, so it ended up as a wallpaper, here [left click, Save As...] kindly provided to the Dear ReaderTM to use.

A la xkcd

Inspired Shamelessly lifted from everybody's favourite comic:

Nobody hates Hugo

OK, I see too much Lost [check], I use Google for obscure and/or useless searches [check], my lame puns link to Wikipedia articles [check], I read xkcd fanatically [check] *and* I use Photoshop to edit the sketches [double triple check].

Yup, I am a big time geek.

Oh, and I obviously hate the bitch. Her face makes my dry heave. Her voice is like ground glass in my ears (ground on the inside of my ears, that is) and her manners wake up the spree killer inside me.

And -one *last* thing, it must be the 5th update by now-, I trully apologize for using the devil's own font on the Holy Grail, but I didn't really have any other options for emulating Randall's handwriting. And after all, Comic Sans was made for comics, duh!

September 9, 2008

LHC & The End of the World

Tomorrow at 9:30 Central European Time (10:30 local), as you may know, the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will "turn on", i.e. its main proton beam will circulate for the first time through its entire length, achieving energies far higher than any other accelerator has reached before.

It's official: there's nothing dorkier than theoretical physicist rapping

This, as well as the ultimate goal of the entire experiment (finding the elusive Higgs boson -a.k.a. "The
FSM particle"- something perceived as an act of hubris by many) has led to speculation about whether the world is about to end in a freaky high energy physics accident.

I, for one, believe that all this was prophesied a long, long time ago (1979!) by the great & late Douglas Adams:

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened.

There is a third theory which suggests that both of the first two theories were concocted by a wily editor of The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy in order to increase the universal level of uncertainty and paranoia and so boost the sales of the Guide.
This last theory is of course the most convincing as
The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is the only book in the whole of the known universe to have the words DON'T PANIC inscribed in large friendly letters on the cover."

And then, of course, there's this:

How can it not go awfully wrong???

*OK, in fact the first collisions, where anything could **theoretically** go wrong are not scheduled till October 21st or so, but I will not let this mere technicality stand in the way of fear-mongering. OMG PANIC PANIC EVERYONE!!!1!

You know what really grinds my gears?

Το να με στήνουν στα ραντεβού.

Και ως αλατοπίπερο (πάνω σε πληγή), το να με παίρνο
υν λίγο μετά την προσυμφωνημένη ώρα για να μου πουν πως θα αργήσουν. Indeed, I noticed.

September 7, 2008

Μ' αρεσει, part deux

  • Το ότι, εκεί που αρχίζω και χάνω ενδιαφέρον/ξενερώνω/απελπίζομαι, οι περιστάσεις μου κλείνουν πονηρά το μάτι και με αναπτερώνουν :D

September 5, 2008

A toast to the greatest beverage cultural invention (ever)

A little something to counteract the FSM-awful stench emanating from the previous piece of putrefying excrement ahemmm... art.

September 2, 2008

Neo-hellenic culture 101

Καλά, πως μου είχε ξεφύγει τόσο καιρό???
